64 books • 3 series
Gleanings of Natural History, Exhibiting Figures of Quadrupedes, Birds, Plants, Etc. Most of Which Have Not, Till Now, Been Either Figured or Describe
Essays Upon Natural History, and Other Miscellaneous Subjects
Brief Developing Title to Public Lands
From Crow-Scaring to Westminster
Gleanings of Natural History, Exhibiting Figures of Quadrupedes, Birds, Plants, Etc. Most of Which Have Not, Till Now, Been Either Figured or Described; With Descriptions of Seventy Different Subjects, Designed, Engraved, and Volume 2
Gleanings of Natural History, Exhibiting Figures of Quadrupedes, Birds, Plants, Etc. Most of Which Have Not, Till Now, Been Either Figured or Described; With Descriptions of Seventy Different Subjects, Designed, Engraved, and Volume 3
Gleanings of Natural History, Exhibiting Figures of Quadrupedes, Birds, Plants, Etc. Most of Which Have Not, Till Now, Been Either Figured or Described; With Descriptions of Seventy Different Subjects, Designed, Engraved, and Coloured
A Natural History of Uncommon Birds; And of Some Other Rare and Undescribed Animals, Quadrupeds, Fishes, Reptiles, Insects, &C., Exhibited in Two Hundred and Ten Copper-Plates, from Designs Copied Immediately from Nature, and Curiously
A Natural History of Birds; The Most of Which Have Not Hitherto Been Figured or Described Containing de Representations of Thirty-Nine Birds Sixteen Cooper-Plates, Which the Figures of Many Curious Anmals Volume 4
A Natural History of Birds Volume 3; The Most of Which Have Not Hitherto Been Figured or Described This Part Exhibits the Representations of Fifty-Nine Birds
Radical Means of Counteracting the Present Scarcity, and Preventing Famine in Future; Including the Proposal of a Maximum Founded on a New Principle to Which Is Prefixed, an Address to the Legislature, on a Plan for Meliorating the Condition of Society a
The Political Interests of Great Britain
A Natural History of Uncommon Birds Volume 3; And of Some Other Rare and Undescribed Animals, Quadrupeds, Fishes, Reptiles, Insects, &C., Exhibited in Two Hundred and Ten Copper-Plates, from Designs Copied Immediately from Nature, and Curiously Coloured Afte
An Attempt to Rectify the Public Affairs of the United Kingdom and Empire (Volume 1); And Promote Their Private Prosperity, Illustrated by Many Natio
Gleanings Of Natural History, Exhibiting Figures Of Quadrupedes, Birds, Plants, Etc. Most Of Which Have Not, Till Now, Been Either Figured Or Described
The True Original Scheme of Human Economy, Applied to the Completion of Different Interests, and Preservation, of the British Empire
A Plain Practical Plan, by Which Great Britain May Extricate Herself from Her Present Difficulties, Procure the Blessings of Perfect Peace, Prosperity, and Happiness, and Dispense Them to the Whole World
The Income Tax Fathered; As Also the Mode of Raising the Supplies, Without Funding
The Great and Important Discovery of the Eighteenth Century, and the Means of Setting Right the National Affairs, by a Great Addition of Numerous ... Useful Designs and Public Improvements
Essays Upon Natural History, and Other Miscellaneous Subjects, by George Edwards, ... To Which is Added, a Catalogue, in Generical Order, of the Birds, Beasts, Fishes, Insects, Plants, &c. Contained in Mr. Edwards' Natural History
Effectual Means of Providing, According to the Exigencies of the Evil, Against the Distress Apprehended from the Scarcity and High Prices of Different Articles of Food. by George Edwards, Esq.
A Natural History of Uncommon Birds
The Bluffer's Guide to Life Coaching
Collected Essays on Modern and Classical Music