32 books
A chronological series of engravers
The Universal Conchologist
The English Connoisseur, Vol. 2: Containing an Account of Whatever Is Curious in Painting, Sculpture, &C., In the Palaces and Seats of the Nobility and Principal Gentry of England, Both in Town and Country (Classic Reprint)
Guide Du Voyageur En Italie, Vol. 2
The English Connoisseur, Vol. 1: Containing an Account of Whatever Is Curious in Painting, Sculpture, &C., In the Palaces and Seats of the Nobility and Principal Gentry of England, Both in Town and Country (Classic Reprint)
Flora Rustica
Thirty-Eight Plates, With Explanations: Intended to Illustrate Linnaeus's System of Vegetables, and Particularly Adapted to the Letters on the Elements of Botany (Classic Reprint)
Thirty-Eight Plates
Aranei, or a Natural History of Spiders, Including the Principal Parts of the Work on English Spiders by Eleazar Albin, and Also the Publication on SW
A Tour Through Italy, by T. Martyn
Plantae Cantabrigienses; Or, a Catalogue of the Plants Which Grow Wild in the County of Cambridge, Disposed According to the System of Linnaeus. Herbationes Cantabrigiensis Or, Directions to the Places Where They May Be Found, to Which Are Added, Lists of
Catalogus Horti Botanici Cantabrigiensis
The Language of Botany; Being a Dictionary of the Terms Made Use of in That Science, Principally by Linneus
Flora Rustica (Volume 1-2 ); Exhibiting Accurate Figures of Such Plants as Are Either Useful or Injurious in Husbandry
The English Connoisseur; Containing an Account of Whatever Is Curious in Painting, Sculpture, &C. in the Palaces and Seats of the Nobility and Principal Gentry of England, Both in Town and Country
Great Britain's Jubilee Monitor and Briton's Mirror, Comprising an Epitome of the Moral Claims of Their Majesties George the Third, and Charlotte His Queen! with Illustrations of the Blessings Enjoyed Under the British Government!
A Letter to the Right Worshipful William Wynne, LLD Chancellor of the Diocese of London Containing, Observations on the Facts Alledged, the Evidence Produced, and the Sentence Pronounced by Him, 1779
An Address to the Inhabitants of the Parish of St. Anne, Westminster; By the Revd. Thomas Martyn. Containing a Full State of His Case with the Revd. Dr. Hind the Third Edition.
An Address to the Inhabitants of the Parish of St. Anne, Westminster; By the Revd. Thomas Martyn. Containing a Full State of His Case with the Revd. Dr. Hind,
The Language of Botany: Being a Dictionary of the Terms Made Use of in That Science, Principally by Linneus; With Familiar Explanations, and an Attempt to Establish Significant English Terms; The Whole Interspersed With Critical Remarks (Classic Reprint)
Sketch of a Tour Through Swisserland
An address to the inhabitants of the parish of St. Anne, Westminster; by the Revd. Thomas Martyn. Containing a full state of his case with the Revd. Dr. Hind, ... The second edition.
Sketch of a Tour Through Swisserland. with an Accurate Map
A Tour Through Italy. Containing Full Directions for Travelling in That Interesting Country; With Ample Catalogues of Every Thing That Is Curious in Architecture, Painting, Sculpture, &c. ... with a Coloured Chart. by Thomas Martyn,