40 books • 1 series
The Ordeal of Mark Twain (Classic Reprint)
The World of H. G. Wells (Classic Reprint)
The Malady of the Ideal (Classic Reprint)
Verses by Two Undergraduates (Classic Reprint)
Letters and Leadership (Classic Reprint)
America's Coming-Of-Age (Classic Reprint)
The Wine of the Puritans
The Malady of the Ideal; - Scholar's Choice Edition
John Addington Symonds - Scholar's Choice Edition
The Ordeal of Mark Twain - Scholar's Choice Edition
Fenollosa and His Circle - Scholar's Choice Edition
America's Coming-Of-Age (1915)
Fenollosa and His Circle - Primary Source Edition
New England Indian Summer 1866 1915 - Primary Source Edition
The Soul
The Ordeal of Mark Twain - The Original Classic Edition
The World of H.G. Wells - The Original Classic Edition
John Addington Symonds; A Biographical Study
Letters and Leadership
Verses by Two Undergraduates
The World of H.G. Wells
The Dream of Arcadia American Writers and Artists in Italy 1760 1915
Some Aspects of the Life of Jesus