122 books • 1 series
Full Annals of the Revolution in France, 1830; Enthronement of the Duke of Orleans, Under the Title of Louis Philippe I., King of the French ...
Sixty Curious and Authentic Narratives and Anecdotes Respecting Extraordinary Characters; Illustrative of the Tendency of Credulity and Fanaticism Exemplifying the Imperfections of Circumstantial Evidence and Recording Singular Instances of Voluntary Human
The Three Trials of William Hone, for Publishing Three Parodies; Pbviz., the Late John Wilkes's Catechism, the Political Litany, and the Sinecurists' Creed
The Report at Large of the Coroner's Inquest on Jane Watson, Shot at Mr. Robinson's Address, &C. ...
The Political Showman-At Home!
Ancient Mysteries Described; Especially the English Miracle Plays, Founded on Apocryphal New Testament Story, Extant Among the Unpublished Manuscripts in the British Museum Including Notices of Ecclesiastical Shows
A Circumstantial Report of the Extraordinary Evidence and Proceedings Before the Coroner's Inquest, on the Body of Edward Vyse; Who, on Tuesday Evening, March 7, 1815, Was Shot Dead from the Parlour Windows of the House of the Hon. Frederick Robinson, M.P
'Don John, ' or Don Juan Unmasked
The Queen's Matrimonial Ladder, a National Toy
The Political House That Jack Built
The Political A, Apple-Pie, Or, the Extraordinary Red Book Versified
Pamphlets and Parodies on Political Subjects
FacetiƦ and Miscellanies
The King's Treatment of the Queen
The Political Works in Verse of ... C. E. S.; Consisting of the Regicide, the Foxiad, Charles's Small-Clothes, and the Aliad. Ms. Notes [By W. Hone].
Full Annals of the Revolution in France, 1830 ... Illustrated with Engravings.
Ancient Mysteries Described, Especially The English Miracle Plays, Founded On Apocryphal New Testament Story, Extant Among The Unpublished Manuscripts In The British Museum; Including Notices Of Ecclesiastical Shows, The Festivals Of Fools And Asses
The Queen's Matrimonial Ladder, a National Toy ... by the Author of the Political House That Jack Built [i.E. William Hone] ... Third Edition. (Drawings by George Cruikshank.)
The Political Queen That Jack Loves ... Seventh Edition. [by William Hone.]
The Political House That Jack Built. (the Clerical Magistrate.) [Satires in Verse, by W. Hone.] with Thirteen Cuts [By G. Cruikshank].
Plenipo and the Devil! Or, the Upshot of the Plot. an Infernal Poem [being a Satire Upon King George. IV.]. by the Author of the House That Jack Built [i.E. William Hone].
The Last Speech & Behaviour of William, Late Lord Russel, Upon the Scaffold in Lincolns-Inne-Fields, a Little Before His Execution, 1683 Being Condemned for High-Treason in Conspiring the Death of the King and the Subversion of the Government (1683)
The Table Book
The Descent Into Hell