103 books • 26 series
Mortal Fear (Buffy the Vampire Slayer S.)
Sky Dance (Dinotopia, #10)
Dinotopia #10: Sky Dance: Super Ed
Night of Glory (The elven ways, #3)
Godzilla Vs. the Space Monster
Godzilla Invades America
Ancient Games (The elven ways, No 2)
Incarnate 4: Lurker Files
Nemesis (Lurker Files, #3) (Angel S.) (Angel (Candlewick))
Godzilla, King of the Monsters
Know Fear (Lurker Files, #2)
Faceless (Lurker Files, #1)
Sabertooth Mountain (Dinotopia, #5)
Elven Ways
Lost City (Dinotopia)
Dinotopia 4
Thunder Falls (Dinotopia)
Dinotopia (Dinotopia, #12)
Windchaser (Dinotopia)
Dinotopia 1
Evil Within