118 books • 1 series
The Life and Exploits of Alexander the Great (Volume 1); Being a Series of Ethiopic Texts Edited from Manuscripts in the British Museum and the Biblio
The Paradise or Garden of the Holy Fathers (Volume 2); Being Histories of the Anchorites, Recluses, Monks, Coenobites, and Ascetic Fathers of the Dese
The Histories of Rabban Hormizd the Persian and Rabban Bar-'Idta
Book of the Dead (Volume 3); A Vocabulary in Hieroglyphic
The Egyptian Heaven and Hell Volume 2
A Guide to the First and Second Egyptian Rooms
The Egyptian Sudan
The Chapters of Coming Forth by Day
The Book of Governors
First Steps in Egyptian
The Nile
The Egyptian Heaven and Hell
Grammar of the Benga-Bantu Language
The History of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Likeness of Christ
Easy Lessons in Egyptian Hieroglyphics with Sign List
The Book of the Kings of Egypt
A Guide to the Third and Fourth Egyptian Rooms
Egypt Under the Priest-Kings, Tanites, and Nubians (1902)
A History of Egypt from the End of the Neolithic Period to the Death of Cleopatra VII, B.C. 30
The Book of the Dead
Babylonian Life and History
The Book of the Cave of Treasures (Cosimo Classics Sacred Texts)