104 books • 3 series
Les Premieres Civilisations (2); Etudes D'Histoire Et D'Archeologie
A Manual of the Ancient History of the East to the Commencement of the Median Wars
A Travers L'Apulie Et La Lucanie (1-2); Notes de Voyage
The Beginnings of History; According to the Bible and the Traditions of Oriental Peoples from the Creation of Man to the Deluge
Traite Theorique Et Practique, 2
Manuel D'Histoire Ancienne de L'Orient Jusqu'aux Guerres Mediques (1); Temps Primitifs, Israelites, Egyptiens
The Book of Genesis; A Translation from the Hebrew in Which the Constitutent Elements of the Text Are Separated, to Which Is Added an Attempted Restor
Manuel D'Histoire Ancienne de L'Orient (1); Jusqu'aux Guerres Mediques. Israelites, Egyptiens, Assyriens
Deux Dynasties Franc Aises Chez Les Slaves Me Ridionaux Aux Quatorzie Me Et Quinzie Me Sie Cles. Extrait Du Correspondant.
Les Sciences Occultes En Asie - La Magie Chez Les Chaldeens Et Les Origines Accadiennes
La Monnaie Dans L'Antiquite
Monographie de La Voie Sacree V1
Finno-Tartarian Magical Mythology
Chaldean Sorcery and Its Dual Nature
The Chaldaio-Babylonian Religion and Its Doctrines
Origin of the Kushito-Semitic Religion
La Grande-Grece Paysages Et Histoire V2 (1881)
Mythology of the Chaldean Underworld
A Comparison of Egyptian Magic with Chaldean Magic
Chaldean Amulets and Their Uses
The Accadian People and Their Language
The Origin of the Myth of the Zi
The Archaic Legislation of the Accadians
The Religions and the Magic of the Turanian Nations