Paul Jenkins is a British born comic writer who lives in Atlanta, GA. He began his career at Mirage Studios working on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Jenkins has written some of the biggest characters for Marvel and DC Comics, including Spider-Man, Batman, Incredible Hulk, and Hellblazer. He is best known for reviving The Inhumans as part of Marvel Knights and creating The Sentry for Marvel Comics. Jenkins also writes for video games on hits like The Darkness, Incredible Hulk, and God of War.

Warren Ellis is a comics and graphics novel writer best known for the graphic novel series TRANSMETROPOLITAN, PLANETARY and THE AUTHORITY. With over thirty-five graphic novels in print, Ellis has received numerous acclaims including Winner of the International Horror Guild award for graphic narrative and being named one of Entertainment Weekly's 100 Most Creative People. Rolling Stone described his work as, "more influenced by Jesus and Mary Chain than by the JUSTICE LEAGUE, while his characters fight for left-wing agendas over God and country, and kick puppies in the street."

Joe Casey is one of the founders of the Man of Action development and production house whose credits include the hit cartoon Ben 10 and Generator Rex. As a comic book writer, Casey has worked for many companies within the industry including DC, Marvel, Image, and more. His work includes runs on major titles such as Adventures of Superman, Uncanny X-Men, Wildcats, G.I. Joe: America's Elite, and much more.

Mark Millar has written some of the most successful English-language comics in recent years. His recent projects are Marvel's CIVIL WAR, ULTIMATES 2, ULTIMATE FANTASTIC FOUR and WOLVERINE. CIVIL WAR was featured on everything from CNN to MTV for the public unmasking of Spider-Man. His comic WANTED was a hit movie in 2008 starring Angelina Jolie; his series KICK-ASS is currently in production as a movie starring Nicolas Cage. He collaborated with writer Grant Morrison on several FLASH titles, and also wrote memorable runs of THE AUTHORITY.