Alex Jack, a macrobiotic teacher and counselor, is executive director of Kushi Institute and founder and president of Amberwaves, a grassroots network devoted to promoting whole grains and other natural foods. He is the co-author with Aveline Kushi of Aveline Kushi's Complete Guide to Macrobiotic Cooking (Time-Warner, 1985), the world's bestselling macrobiotic cookbook. He has also written many popular books with educator Michio Kushi, including The Cancer Prevention Diet (St. Martin's, 1983, 1991, 2009), The Macrobiotic Path to Total Health (Ballantine, 2003), and The Book of Macrobiotics (Square One, 2013). He also wrote The Mozart Effect: Tapping the Power of Music to Heal the Body, Strengthen the Mind, and Unlock the Creative Spirit for Don Campbell (Avon, 1997). Based in the Berkshires, he is a senior teacher and counselor at Kushi Institute and serves on the guest faculty of the Kushi Institute of Europe and Rosas Dance Company in Brussels.