45 books • 4 series
The Last Vigil
Awolowo Inspiring Quotes and Sayings
Seven (7) Wonders of Women
Pro-Life v. Pro-Choice
Are Polygamists Locked Out of Heaven?
Gowon's NYSC Debauchery
The Matrimonial Nuisance
Confronting the Assassin
Our Overheated Globe
Theft in British Nigeria
How Gowon's Regime Corrupts Youths
Destructive Sex
Claims of Obasanjo Refuted (Emancipation of Yorubas in Nigeria)
Mistakes of Our Fathers
Sickening Deadweight of Mediocre Rulers
Number Tracing & Counting
Exemplary Bezos
Dynamic Trump or Gentle Joe
Trump's Dispute With The Press
Choosing the Right Partner and Staying Happily Married Despite a Crooked World
The Apostolic Faith Church
The Wonderful Nation of Oduduwa
Sunday Igboho (Emancipation of Yorubas in Nigeria)
British Legacy in Nigeria