146 books • 47 series
Michael Chinery is the UK’s leading writer on insects. His ‘Collins Field Guide to ‘Insects’ and ‘Collins Pocket Guide to ‘Insects’ are acknowledged as the best available.
The Seasons
Butterflies and Moths (Collins Gem Photoguide S.) (Collins Gem Guides) (Collins GEM)
Child's Book of Butterflies and Flowers
Child's Book of Birds and Flowers
Insects (Collins GEM)
Guide to Insects (Piccolo Books)
Guide to Trees (Piccolo Books)
Rand McNally's Picture Atlas of Animals
Nature's Hidden World
Garden Birds
Killers of the Wild
Guide to Wild Flowers (Piccolo Books)
Pictorial Atlas of Animals
Pouched Mammals (Fact Finders)
Discovering Animals
Let's Look at Wild Animals
Plants (The Macmillan colour library)
Nature All Around
Natural History of the Garden
Life in the Zoo
Our World Wallcharts
Field Guide to the Insects of Britain and Europe
Animals in the Zoo
Animal Communities (International Library)