79 books • 1 series
Pasquils Fooles-Cap Sent to Such (to Keepe Their Weake Braines Warme) as Are Not Able to Conceiue Aright of His Mad-Cap. with Pasquils Passion for the Worlds Waywardnesse. Begun by Himselfe, and Finished by His Friend Morphorius. (1600)
The Hate of Treason Vvith a Touch of the Late Treason / By N.B. (1616)
Pasquils Mad-Cap- And His Message. (1600)
Wits Private Wealth Stored with Choise Commodities to Content the Minde. (1615)
A Poast with a Pacquet of Letters (1685)
The Soules Immortall Crowne Consisting of Seauen Glorious Graces I. Vertue. 2. Wisedome. 3. Loue. 4. Constancie. 5. Patience. 6. Humilitie. 7. Infinitenes.
A Poste Vvith a Packet of Madde Letters. (1609)
The Works in Verse and Prose of Nicholas Breton V2
The Arbor of Amorous Deuises Vvherin, Young Gentlemen May Reade Many Plesant Fancies, and Fine Deuises
The Vvorkes of a Young Wyt, Trust VP with a Fardell of Pretie Fancies Profitable to Young Poetes, Preiudicial to No Man, and Pleasaunt to Euery Man, to Passe Away Idle Tyme Withall. Done by N.B. Gentleman. (1577)
The VVIL of Vvit, Vvits VVILL, or Vvils Wit, Chuse You Whether Containing Fiue Discourses, the Effects Whereof Follow. Read and Iudge. Compiled by Nicholas Breton, Gentleman. (1597)
Choice, Chance, and Change
Characters Vpon Essaies Morall, and Diuine Written for Those Good Spirits, That Will Take Them in Good Part, and Make VSE of Them to Good Purpose. (1615)
A Poste Vvith a Madde Packet of Letters (1602)
The Passions of the Spirit (1599)
A Floorish Vpon Fancie as Gallant a Glose Vpon So Triflinge a Text, as Euer Was Written. Compiled by N.B. Gent. to Which Are Annexed, Manie Pretie Pamphlets, for Pleasant Heads to Passe Away Idle Time Withal. by the Same Authour. (1577)
Marie Magdalens Loue (1595)
I Pray You Be Not Angry, for I Will Make You Merry a Pleasant and Merry Dialogue, Betweene Two Travellers, as They Met on the High-Way. (1632)
Honest Counsaile a Merrie Fitte of a Poeticall Furie
The Pilgrimage to Paradise, Ioyned with the Countesse of Penbrookes Loue, Compiled in Verse by Nicholas Breton Gentleman (1592)
Fantasticks Seruing for a Perpetuall Prognostication. (1626)
A Piece of Friar Bacons Brazen-Heads Prophesie. by William Terilo (1604)
The Figure of Foure, or a Handfull of Sweet Flowers Gathered Out of Diuers Good Grounds, and Set Together in This Little Garden Within the Figure of Foure. (1631)
Olde Mad-Cappes New Gally-Mawfrey Made Into a Merrie Messe of Minglemangle, Out of These Three Idle-Conceited Humours Following. 1 I Will Not. 2 Oh, the Merrie Time. 3 Out Vpon Money. (1602)