58 books
Montrose and Covenanters; Their Characters and Conduct, Illustrated from Private Letters and Other Original Documents Hitherto Unpublished, Embracing the Times of Charles the First, from the Rise of the Troubles in Scotland, to the Death
"The Lanox of Auld"; An Epistolary Review of "The Lennox, by William Fraser."
Memorials of Montrose and His Times [Ed. by M. Napier].
Montrose and Covenanters, Their Characters and Conduct (Volume 1 )
Montrose and the Covenanters (Volume 1); Their Characters and Conduct Illustrated from Private Letters and Other Documents Hitherto Unpublished, Embracing the Times of Charles 1, from the Rise of the Troubles in Scotland to the Death of Montrose
Memoirs of the Marquis of Montrose (Volume 1-2)
Memoirs of the Marquis of Montrose (Volume 3)
History Rescued; In Answer to History Vindicated, Being a Recapitulation of the Case for the Crown and the Reviewers Reviewed in the Wigtown Martyrs
Montrose and Covenanters, Their Characters and Conduct (Volume 2 )
Montrose and the Covenanters, Their Characters and Conduct Volume 2; Illustrated from Private Letters and Other Original Documents Hitherto Unpublished, Embracing the Times of Charles the First, from the Rise of the Troubles in Scotland, to the Death of M
Memoirs of John Napier of Merchiston; His Lineage, Life, and Times, with a History of the Invention of Logarithms
Montrose and the Covenanters, Their Characters and Conduct (Volume 1); Illustrated from Private Letters and Other Original Documents Hitherto Unpublis
Montrose and Covenanters (Volume 1); Their Characters and Conduct, Illustrated from Private Letters and Other Original Documents Hitherto Unpublished, Embracing the Times of Charles the First, from the Rise of the Troubles in Scotland, to the Death of Mont
Montrose and Covenanters (Volume 2); Their Characters and Conduct, Illustrated from Private Letters and Other Original Documents Hitherto Unpublished, Embracing the Times of Charles the First, from the Rise of the Troubles in Scotland, to the Death of Mont
Memorials and Letters, Illustrative of the Life and Times of John Graham of Claverhouse, Viscount Dundee (Volume 1)
Memorials and Letters Illustrative of the Life and Times of John Graham of Claverhouse, Viscount Dundee (Volume 2)
History Rescued, in Answer to 'History Vindicated' [By A. Stewart] a Recapitulation of the 'Case for the Crown'. [With] the Case for the Crown in Re the Wigtown Martyrs Proved to Be Myths
Montrose and the Covenanters, Their Characters and Conduct
Montrose And Covenanters, Their Characters And Conduct, Illustrated From Private Letters And Other Original Documents Hitherto Unpublished, Embracing The Times Of Charles The First, From The Rise Of The Troubles In Scotland, To The Death Of Montrose
The Case for the Crown in Re the Wigtown Martyrs Proved to Be Myths Versus Wodrow and Lord Macaulay, Patrick the Pedler and Principal Tulloch.
Montrose and Covenanters
Memoirs of the Marquis of Montrose
Memoirs of John Napier of Merchiston
Memoirs of the Marquis of Montrose, Volume 1