Rami Shapiro, a renowned teacher of spirituality across faith traditions and a noted theologian, is a popular speaker on the topics of religion, theology and spirituality. He is author of the award - winning The Sacred Art of Lovingkindness: Preparing to Practice; Recovery - The Sacred Art: The Twelve Steps as Spiritual Practice and Hasidic Tales: Annotated and Explained; among other books.Rami Shapiro is available to speak on the following topics: Writing - The Sacred Art: Beyond the Page to Spiritual Practice
Stop Playing God: 12 Steps as Spiritual Practice
Biblical Wisdom for Post - biblical Times: An Exploration of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Job
The Sacred Art of Lovingkindness: Cultivating Compassion in Daily Life
Hasidic Wisdom: An Exploration of Hasidic Storytelling, Theology and Contemplative Practice
Saints and Sages: Biblical Prophets, Ancient Rabbis and the Building of a Just World