631 books • 2 series
The Practical Applications of Electricity; A Series of Lectures Delivered at the Institution of Civil Engineers, Session 1882-83
Minutes of Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers (Volume 15)
Minutes of Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers Volume 5
Committee of the Institution of Civil Engineers Appointed to Investigate the Deterioration of Structures of Timber, Metal and Concrete, Exposed
Heat in Its Mechanical Applications; A Series of Lectures Delivered at the Institution of Civil Engineers, Session 1883-84
Civil Engineering Procedure, sixth edition
Charter, Supplemental Charters, By-Laws, and List of Members of the Institution of Civil Engineers
The Education and Status of Civil Engineers
The Theory and Practice of Hydro-Mechanics
ICE Conditions of Contract Target Cost Version
ICE Conditions of Contract Target Cost
Minutes of Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers Volume 36
ICE Conditions of Contract Ground Investigation Version
ICE Conditions of Contract Partnering Addendum
Managing Geotechnical Risk
Retaining Structures
Specification for Tunnelling
Ground Anchorages and Anchored Structures
SPI/CI 52nd Annual Conference and Exposition 1997
Whither Civil Engineering? (ICE Special Report S.)
Environment File (ICE Special Report S.)
Concrete Industrial Ground Floors
The Observational Method in Geotechnical Engineering