284 books • 6 series
The History of England from the Accession of James the Second (Volume 2)
Critical And Miscellaneous Essays by Thomas Babington Macaulay - Vol V
Critical And Miscellaneous Essays by Thomas Babington Macaulay - Vol VII
Critical And Miscellaneous Essays by Thomas Babington Macaulay - Vol III
Critical And Miscellaneous Essays by Thomas Babington Macaulay - Vol IV
Critical And Miscellaneous Essays by Thomas Babington Macaulay - Vol I
Critical And Miscellaneous Essays by Thomas Babington Macaulay - Vol II
Critical And Miscellaneous Essays - Vol III
Critical And Miscellaneous Essays - Vol V
Macaulay's Essays on Milton and Addison
Horatius Keeps the Bridge (Phoenix 60p paperbacks)
The Poetical Works (Wordsworth Poetry Library)
Lays of Ancient Rome
History of England
The Selected Letters of Thomas Babington Macaulay
Napoleon and the Restoration of the Bourbons
Selected Writings (Classics of British Historical Literature)
Prose and Poetry
Critical and Historical Essays