160 books • 1 series
By Order of the Czar; The Tragic Story of Anna Klosstock, Queen of the Ghetto
Today in America; Studies for the Old World and the New
The Old House at Sandwich; A Novel
With a Show in the North; Reminiscences of Mark Lemon
Captured by Cannibals
The Life and Work of Alfred Gilbert, R.A., M.V.O., LL.D
Henry Irving's Impressions of America (Volume 2); Narrated in a Series of Sketches, Chronicles, and Conversations
Christopher Kenrick; His Life and Adventures
Henry Irving's Impressions of America (Volume 1); Narrated in a Series of Sketches, Chronicles, and Conversations
When Greek Meets Greek; A Tale of Love and War
Journalistic London (Volume 52); Being a Series of Sketches of Famous Pens and Papers of the Day
The Princess Mazaroff; A Romance of the Day
Three Recruits and the Girls They Left Behind Them; A Novel
The Dagger and the Cross; A Romance
Newfoundland; The Oldest British Colony. Its History, Its Present Condition and Its Prospects in the Future
Newfoundland; Its History, Its Present Condition and Its Prospects in the Future
The New Ceylon.; Being a Sketch of British North Borneo, or Sabah. from Official and Other Exclusive Sources of Information
Henry Irving's Impressions of America, Narrated in a Series of Sketches, Chronicles, and Conversations Volume 1
The Vicar; A Novel
A Modern Ulysses (Volume 1)
When Rogues Fall Out; A Romance of Old London
The New Ceylon
The Vicar
The Dove's Nest and Other Tales. by J. Hatton, R. Jefferies, H. S. Clarke, Etc.