170 books • 2 series
A Brief Description of the Ancient & Modern Manuscripts Preserved in the Public Library, Plymouth; To Which Are Added, Some Fragments of Early Literature Hitherto Unpublished
A New Boke about Shakespeare and Stratford-On-Avon
Notes of Family Excursions in North Wales
Letters of the Kings of England (Volume 1); Now First Collected from the Originals in Royal Archives, and Other Authentic Sources, Private as Well as Public
The Tinker of Turvey; Or, Canterbury Tales; An Early Collection of English Novels
A Chronicle of the First Thirteen Years of the Reign of King Edward the Fourth
Contributions to Early English Literature Derived Chiefly from Rare Books and Ancient Inedited Manuscripts; From the Fifteenth to the Seventeenth Century
The Marriag of Wit and Wisdom (Volume 31); An Ancient Interlude
Notices of Fugitive Tracts Volume 29; And Chap-Books Printed at Aldermary Churchyard, Bow Churchyard, Etc
A Hand-List of the Drawings and Engravings Illustrative of the Life of Shakespeare, Preserved at Hollingbury Copse
The Archaeologist and Journal of Antiquarian Science (Volume 1-2)
A Catalogue of Chap-Books, Garlands, and Popular Histories
Letters of the Kings of England (Volume 1); Now First Collected from Royal Archives, and Other Authentic Sources, Private as Well as Public
The Yorkshire Anthology; A Collection of Ancient and Modern Ballads, Poems and Songs, Relating to the County of Yorkshire
The Aldus Shakespeare (Volume 34)
Letters of the Kings of England (Volume 2); Now First Collected from Royal Archives, and Other Authentic Sources, Private as Well as Public
The Autobiography and Correspondence of Sir Simonds D'Ewes, Bart (Volume 2); During the Reigns of James I. and Charles I.
Life of Shakespeare
Illustrations of the Life of Shakespeare; In a Discursive Series of Essays on a Variety of Subjects Connected with the Personal and Literary History of the Great Dramatist
Illustrations of the Fairy Mythology of a Midsummer Night's Dream (Volume 26)
Letters of the Kings of England (Volume 2); Now First Collected from the Originals in Royal Archives, and from Other Authentic Sources, Private as Well as Public
Illustrations of the Fairy Mythology of Shakespeare (Volume 14)
The Loyal Garland; A Collection of Songs of the Seventeenth Century, Reprinted from a Black Letter Copy Supposed to Be Unique
The Chronicle of the Monastry of Abingdon; From A.D. 1218 to A.D. 1304