Anthony Hill is a Melbourne-based writer of 21 books, mainly published by Penguin Random House. Born in 1942, Anthony moved with his wife Gillian to Canberra in 1972 as a journalist with the Melbourne Herald. With their daughter Jane they moved to a rural village in 1977 to run an antique shop for five years, which formed the material for Anthony's first books.Returning to Canberra in 1983, Anthony worked in local television, the public service briefly and in 1989 became a speech writer for Governor-General Bill Hayden. Following the success of The Burnt Stick and later Soldier Boy, Anthony retired in 1998 to become a full-time writer. In 2020 he and Gillian returned to Melbourne to be closer to family. Apart from novels and short stories, Anthony has written the libretti for several works by the composer Judith Clingan, and a number of plays. Soldier Boy The Play is his first play to be published.