42 books
The Works of Monsieur de St. Evremond (Volume 1)
The Works of MR de St. Evremont (Volume 1)
Memoires Et Lettres Pour Servir A L'Histoire de La Vie de Mademoiselle de L'Enclos
Mixt Essays Upon Tragedies, Comedies, Italian Comedies, English Comedies, and Opera's Written Originally in French, by the Sieur de Saint Euvremont. (1685)
The Memoirs of the Countess of Dunois Author of the Lady's Travels Into Spain / By Way of Answer to Monsieur St. Evremont; Containing Withal a Modest Vindication of the Female Sex, More Frequently Injur'd by Imprudence and Misconstruction (1699)
The Memoirs of the Duke de La Rochefoucault Containing the Private Intrigues for Obtaining the Regency After the Death of Louis the Thirteenth, King of France, the Wars of Paris and Guienne, the Imprisonment of the Princes (1683)
The Arguments of Monsieur Herard for Monsieur the Duke of Mazarin Against Madam the Dutchess of Mazarin, His Spouse and the Factum for Madam the Dutchess of Mazarin Against Monsieur the Duke of Mazarin, Her Husband / By Monsieur de St. Evremont. (1699)
The Character of a Woman That Never Was, and Never Will Be. Made English from the French of Mons. de St. Evremond
Les Memoirs de La Vie Du Comte D***
Oeuvres Melees de Mr. de Saint-Evremond,
Works, Made English from the French Original
Oeuvres Melees
L'esprit De Saint-Évremont
Oeuvres Melees de Saint-Evremond
The Works of Monsieur de St. Evremond, Made English from the French Original (Volume 2); With the Life of the Author;
The Works of Monsieur de St. Evremond
Critique Litt Raire
The Works Of Monsieur De St. Evremond, Made English From The French Original