238 books • 9 series
The Mutual Gain of Christ and Christians in Their Life and Death. a Sermon Occasioned by the Decease of the Revd. Joseph Stennett, D.D. Who Departed This Life, 1758, in the Sixty-Sixth Year of His Age the Second Edition
The Mutual Gain of Christ and Christians in Their Life and Death. a Sermon Occasioned by the Decease of the Revd. Joseph Stennett, D.D. Who Departed This Life, Feb. 7, 1758, in the Sixty-Sixth Year of His Age the Third Edition
The argument from apostolic tradition, in favour of infant-baptism, with others, advanced in a late pamphlet, called The baptism of infants a reasonable service, &c. consider'd The second edition.
The Doctrine of Predestination Stated, and Set in the Scripture-Light; In Opposition to Mr. Wesley's Predestination Calmly Consider'd. with a Reply to the Writer to the Doctrine of the Perseverance of the Saints the Second Edition
The Duty of a Pastor to His People, Represented in a Discourse Preached at the Ordination of the Reverend George Braithwaite, M.A., March the Twenty Eighth, 1734. at the Meeting House Near Devonshire-Square
The Quiet and Easy Passage of Christ's Purchased People Through Death to Glory. Illustrated and Enlarged Upon in a Discourse on Exod. XV. 16. Delivered September 2. 1759
The Practical Improvement of the Watchman's Answer. a Sermon Preached to the Society Which Supported the Wednesday's Evening Lecture in Great Eastcheap, January 1, 1752. ... by John Gill, D.D. the Fifth Edition.
The Watchman's Answer to the Question, What of the Night? a Sermon Preached to the Society Which Support the Wednesday's Evening Lecture in Great Eastcheap, December 27. 1750. ... by John Gill, D.D. the Third Edition.
The Argument from Apostolic Tradition, in Favour of Infant-Baptism, with Others, Advanced in a Late Pamphlet, Called the Baptism of Infants a Reasonable Service, &c. Consider'd. by John Gill, D.D. the Third Edition.
Baptism a Divine Commandment to Be Observed. Being a Sermon Preached at Barbican, Octob. 9, 1765. at the Baptism of the Reverend Mr. Robert Carmichael, ... by John Gill, D.D.
The Doctrine of the Cherubim Opened and Explained
The Scriptures the Only Guide in Matters of Religion. a Sermon Preached at the Baptism of Several Persons in Barbican, November 2, 1750. by John Gill, ... the Second Edition
The Dissenters Reasons for Separating from the Church of England. Which Were Published at the End of Dr. Gill's Answer to a Welch Clergyman, and Occasioned by the Said Writer. Published at Request. the Fifth Edition.
Faith in God and His Word, the Establishment and Prosperity of His People. a Sermon Preached to the Society, Which Support the Wednesday's Evening Lecture in Great East-Cheap, December 27, 1753. ... by John Gill, D.D.
The Free Grace of God Exalted in the Character of the Apostle Paul. Being a Sermon Preached at St. Alban's, Hertfordshire, May 26, 1765. by John Gill, ...
Faith in God and His Word, the Establishment and Prosperity of His People. a Sermon Preached to the Society, Which Support the Wednesday's Evening Lecture in Great East-Cheap, December 27, 1753. ... by John Gill, D.D. the Second Edition.
The Fulness of the Mediator
The Glory of the Church in the Latter Day
The Faithful Minister of Christ Crowned. Being a Sermon Occasioned by the Death of the REV. MR William Anderson, Late Minister of the Gospel; Who Departed This Life September 8, ... Preached September 20, 1767, by John Gill, D.D.
A sermon occasioned by the death of Mrs. Mary Fall, ... By John Gill.
The superior happiness of the righteous dead, to that of living saints. A sermon occasioned by the decease of the Revd. Mr. James Fall, ... who departed this life, March 17, 1763, ... Preached at his interment, March 25. By John Gill, ...
A sermon occasioned by the death of Elizabeth Gill, who departed this life May 30th. 1738. having entred the 13th year of her age. Preached June 4th. To which is added, an account of some of her choice experiences. By John Gill.
Christ the Saviour from the Tempest. a Sermon in Commemoration of the Great Storm, in the Year MDCCIII. Preach'd in Little Wild-Street, Near Lincoln's-Inn Fields, Nov. 27, 1736. by John Gill.
The Doctrine of Imputed Righteousness Without Works Asserted and Proved. by the Late REV. John Gill, ...