49 books
Complete Narrative of the Mutiny in India; From Its Commencement to the Present Time Compiled from the Most Authentic Sources, Including Many Very Interesting Letters from Officers and Others on the Spot with Eight Illustrations, Drawn on Stone, of the
The Old Showmen, and the London Fairs
The Secret Societies of the European Revolution, 1776-1876, Volume 2...
The Realm of the Ice King. by the Author of 'Saved from the Wreck'.
The Lass and the Lady; Or, Love's Ladder. a Tale of Thrilling Interest. [Completed by Thomas Frost. with Plates.]
Perkin Warbeck; Or, the Last of the Plantagenets. [A Novel.] by the Author of Emma Mayfield. [T. Frost.]
Half-Hours with the Early Explorers, Etc.
The Secret Societies of the European Revolution, 1776-1876
The Secret Society of the Carbonari
The Secret Society of the Associated Patriots
The Secret Society of the United Sclavonians
The Secret Society of the Reformed Carbonari
The Secret Society of the Hetairia
Circus Life and Circus Celebrities
Forty Years' Recollections; Literary and Political
Modern Explorers
Half-Hours with the Early Explorers
Old Showmen
The Lives of the Conjurors
The Life of Thomas Lord Lyttelton
Forty Years' Recollections
Reminiscences of a Country Journalist
In Kent with Charles Dickens.
The Old Showmen and the Old London Fairs