42 books
Nothing to Wear (Classic Reprint)
Memorial of Charles H. Marshall (Classic Reprint)
Memorial of Charles H. Marshall (Large Text Classic Reprint)
Nothing to Wear, and Other Poems (Large Text Classic Reprint)
A Retrospect of Forty Years
Domesticus a Tale of the Imperial City (Classic Reprint)
Oberammergau (Classic Reprint)
Two Millions (Classic Reprint)
Nothing to Wear, and Other Poems (Classic Reprint)
Book of the Family and Lineal Descendants of Medad Butler, Late of Stuyvesant, Columbia County, N. Y (Classic Reprint)
Evert Augustus Duyckinck
History of the Lawyers Club (Classic Reprint)
Mrs. Limber's Raffle, or a Church Fair and Its Victims (Classic Reprint)
Mrs. Limber's Raffle, or a Church Fair and Its Victims (Large Text Classic Reprint)
Martin Van Buren
Martin Van Buren: Lawyer, Statesman and Man (Large Text Classic Reprint)
Mrs. Limber's raffle
Two Millions [Verse]
Barnum's Parnassus
Nothing to Wear, and Other Poems; A New Ed. from New Plates
Memorial of Charles H. Marshall
Mrs. Limber's Raffle Or, a Church Fair and Its Victims
Book of the family and lineal descendants of Medad Butler Late of Stuyvesant, Columbia County, N.Y