105 books
Histoire Des Vierges - Scholar's Choice Edition
The Pariah Dans L'Humanite
Les Législateurs Religieux, Manou, Moïse, Mahomet
Manou, Moise - Mahomet
La Genese de L'Humanite; La Terre Et L'Homme, Traditions Indoues Et Chaldeenes, La Legende de La Genese Dans L'Inde
Les Fils de Dieu
Occult Science In India
Occult Science in India and Among the Ancients, with an Account of Their Mystic Initiations, and the History of Spiritism, Tr. by W.L. Felt
Les Pecheurs de Nacre
Hunting in the Jungle with Gun and Guide After Large Game; Adapted from "Les Animaux Sauvages,"
The Bible in India; Hindoo Origin of Hebrew and Christian Revelation
Etudes Indianistes (7-8)
Voyage Au Pays Des Elephants
Voyage Au Pays de La Liberte; La Vie Communale Aux Etats-Unis
La Cote D'ivoire
Histoire Naturelle Et Sociale de L'Humanite . Pts. 1, 2.
Histoire Des Vierges-Les Peuples Et Les Continents Disparus.
Voyage Au Pays Du Hatschisch. Illus. de Mouillon Et El Geardi
The Leaf Dance of the Fakirs
The Doctrine of the Pitris as Compared with That of the Jewish Cabala, of Plato, and of Christianity
Exoteric Manifestations and Demonstrations Among the Initiates of the Sacred Temple of India as Shown by the Performing Fakirs
The Doctrine of the Pitris and the Occult Sciences in India
Formulas of Brahmin Magical Incantation or Vulgar Magic