29 books
Aucassin and Nicolette; translated from the Old French
Gerard Isabel, Vol. 7
Among the Flowers and Other Poems (Classic Reprint)
Nephelé (Classic Reprint)
Young Maids and Old China (Classic Reprint)
Preludes and Romances (Classic Reprint)
Easter Lilies for Nineteen Hundred and Fifteen (Classic Reprint)
The Parables of Our Lord Explained and Applied (Classic Reprint)
The Night has a Thousand Eyes
Aucassin and Nicolette - Scholar's Choice Edition
Our Possessions; A Short and Simple View of Some of Those Good Things Which Are the Present Portion of the Believer
Aucassin & Nicolette; A Love Story
Short Sermons for Household, Social and Private Reading
The Parables of Our Lord Explained and Applied
Nephele . [A Tale.]
Beachy Head, a Paper, Etc. [illustrated with Etchings by the Author.]
Tote Listoire de France Chronique Saintongeaise. Now First Edited from the Only Two Mss., with Introduction, Appendices, and Notes, by F. W. Bourdillon with Prefatory Letter by Gaston Paris
Preludes and Romances
A Lost God, with Illus
The Early Editions of the Roman de La Rose