Dana K. Glencross (M.A., Oklahoma State University) is Professor of Political Science at Oklahoma City Community College (OCCC), where she has served as Chair of the Department of History, Political Science, Geography, and Medical Terminology and as President of the Faculty Association. Professor Glencross was a governor�s appointee to the Oklahoma Commission for Teacher Preparation and a member of the Faculty Advisory Council to the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education. She was elected by her peers as the national chairwoman of the Association of Chapter Advisors to Phi Theta Kappa, the two-year college honorary society. She coauthors a chapter on �Public Policy� in OKLAHOMA GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS: AN INTRODUCTION, (Fifth Edition, 2012). She teaches courses in American Government, State and Local Government, Comparative Politics, and Law. She is a frequently invited guest on local radio and television broadcasts, discussing elections and political events. Her awards include the President�s Award for Excellence in Teaching at OCCC and the Oklahoma Political Science Association�s Two-Year College Teacher of the Year Award.