55 books
The Commemoration by the First Church in Boston of the Completion of Two Hundred and Fifty Years Since Its Foundation; On Thursday, November 18, 1880. Also Four Historical Sermans Printed by Order of the Society
The Commemorative Services of the First Church in Newton, Massachusetts; On the Occasion of the Two Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of Its Foundation, Friday, Sunday and Monday, Oct. 30, Nov. 1 and 2, 1914
Correspondence Between the First Church and Athe Tabernacle Church in Salem; In Which the Duties of Churches Are Discussed and the Rights of Conscience Vindicated
An Account of the Controversy in the First Parish in Cambridge; 1827-1829. Published Pursuant to a Vote of the Church
Dedham Pulpit; Or, Sermons by the Pastors of the First Church in Dedham in the Xviith and Xviiith Centuries
Commemorative Services of the First Church in Newton, Massachusetts, on the Occasion of the Two Hundred and Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of Its Foundation
Order of Services in the First Church, Boston, 1862
Services at the Installation of REV. Raymond Calkins, D.D., January 23, 1913 and in Memory of REV. Alexander McKenzie, D.D., November 15, 1914
Services of Christian Worship in the First Church; Founded at Scrooby, England A.D. 1606, Settled in Plimoth A.D. 1620
A Memorial of REV. Nathaniel Hall, Late Pastor of the First Church in Dorchester, Mass; Late Pastor of the First Church, in Dorchester, Mass
The Hundredth Anniversary of the Founding of the First Church, Burlington, VT; February Twenty-Third to Twenty-Sixth, 1905
Proceedings of the Two Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the First Church and Parish of Dorchester, Mass., Coincident with the Settlement of the Town; Observed March 28 and June 17, 1880
Bible Lessons on Christian Life and Faith; Prepared for the Sunday School of First Church
Some Passages in the History of the First Church in Connexion with the Shepard Congregational Society in Cambridge; Together with Its
Services at the Re-Dedication of the House of Worship of the First Church in Danvers, Thursday, June 6, 1889
Articles of Faith and Covenant Adopted by the First Church in Dedham, March 8, 1821 with a List of the Members
Early Records of Rowley, Mass. First Record of the First Church
Proceedings of the Two Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Gathering in England, Departure for America, and Final Settlement in New
Covenant of the First Church in Dedham; With Some Facts of History and Doctrine; For the Use of the Church
Correspondence Between the First Church and Athe Tabernacle Church in Salem
Proceedings at the Celebration of the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the First Parish at Salem Village, Now Danvers, October 8, 1872 (Volume 2)
Proceedings at the Celebration of the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the First Parish at Salem Village, Now Danvers, October 8, 1872 (Volume 1)
Records of the Church of Christ at Cambridge in New England, 1632-1830, Comprising the Ministerial Records of Baptisms, Marriages, Deaths,
Proceedings of the Two Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of ... the First Church and Parish of Dorchester, Mass., Coincident with the Settlement of the Town