47 books
John Brody's Astral Body; And Other Stories about Schools
A System of Rhetoric; By C. W. Bardeen
Roderick Hume; The Story of a New York Teacher
Authors' Birthdays; Containing the Exercises for the Celebration of the Birthdays of Bayard Taylor, Lowell, Howells, Motley, Emerson, Saxe, Thoreau, E.S. Phelps-Ward, Parkman, Cable, Aldrich, J.C. Harris
The Trial Balance; And Other Stories about Schools
Fifty-Five Years Old; And Other Stories about Teachers
A Manual of Civics for New York Schools
A Dictionary of Educational Biography
A Little Fifer's War Diary
The Trial Balance
Authors' Birthdays
A Dictionary of Educational Biography, Giving More Than Four Hundred Portraits and Sketches of Persons Prominent in Educational Work
The Woman Trustee
John Amos Comenius
A Manual of Common School Law
Some Facts about Our Public School System
Catalogue of the School Bulletin Publications
A brief descriptive geography of the Empire state
Teaching as a Business
The New York School Officers Handbook
Verbal Pitfalls
Lectures on the Science and Art of Education. with Other Lectures and Essays
Effect of the College Preparatory High School Upon Attendance and Scholarship in the Lower Grades (1890)