109 books • 8 series
Ode to the Grand Spirit (Echoes and Reflections)
Human Rights in the Twenty-first Century (Echoes and Reflections)
The Persistence of Religion
Search for a New Humanity (Echoes and Reflections)
Buddhism Day by Day
Budismo, El Primer Milenio
Pax Pacifica
Moral Lessons of the Twentieth Century (Echoes and Reflections)
One by One
Planetary Citizenship
On Being Human
A la manera de los jóvenes
Global Civilization
Elige La Vida
For the Sake of Peace
Heart of the Lotus Sutra
Soka Education
La Urdimbre y La Trama. Historia Social de Los Obreros Textiles de Atlixco, 1899-1924 (Filosofa)
My Dear Friends in America
The Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra (Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra, #2)