107 books
Chansons (2)
Memoirs of Pierre Jean Beranger
L'Oeuvre Libertine Des Poetes Du 19e Siecle Par Beranger [Et Al.] Pieces Recueillies Par Germain Amplecas - Primary Source Edition
Chansons Tome 1
Dernieres Chansons
Chansons de P.-J. de Beranger - Primary Source Edition
Uvres Completes de P.J. de Beranger, Volume 1 - Primary Source Edition
Uvres Completes de P.J. de Beranger, Volume 2 - Primary Source Edition
Chansons - Primary Source Edition
Fleurs de Poesie Moderne
Uvres Completes de P.J. de Beranger, Volume 1
Beranger's Poems
Chansons de Beranger (1 )
Musique Des Chansons
Chansons, 1
Beranger's Songs of the Empire, the Peace, and the Restoration
Beranger; Two Hundred of His Lyrical Poems, Done Into English Verse
Correspondance (3 )
Songs, Tr. by the Author of the 'Exile of Idria'
Beranger; Two Hundred of His Lyrical Poems, Done Into Engl. Verse, by W. Young
Songs of France from Napoleon I. to Louis Philippe
Songs of Beranger Done Into English Verse
Songs of Beranger (Revised from the 4th Amer. Ed.).
Correspondance, Volume 3...