249 books • 18 series
Aphra Behn (1640-89) was the first English woman to be a professional playwright. She wrote at least seventeen plays, mostly comedies.
Oroonoko Or, The Royal Slave(Illustrated)
Humour and Madness: Early Restoration Comedies
Intrigue and Satire: Later Restoration Comedies
The Widow Ranter
The Royal Slave Illustrated
Plays 1682–1696: Volume 4, The Plays 1682–1696 (The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Aphra Behn)
Oroonoko - Publishing People Series
The History of the Nun - Publishing People Series
Oroonoko Illustrated
Oroonoko or The Royal Slave Illustrated
Oroonoko the Royal Slave Illustrated
Aphra Behn - The Rover - Part I
Aphra Behn - The Younger Brother
Aphra Behn - The Town Fop
Aphra Behn - The Young King
Aphra Behn - The Emperor of the Moon
Aphra Behn - The False Count
Aphra Behn - The Rover - Part II
Aphra Behn - The City Heiress
Aphra Behn - The Revenge
Aphra Behn - The Debauchee
Lycidus The Lover in Fashion
The Plays, Histories, and Novels of the Ingenious Mrs. Aphra Behn, Vol. 6 of 6
Plays Written by the Late Ingenious Mrs. Behn, Vol. 2: Containing: Abdelazer, or the Moor's Revenge; The Young King, or the Mistake; The City Heiress, or Sir Timothy Treatall; The Feign'd Curtezans, or a Night's Intrigue (Classic Reprint)