DAVID BRISTOW is a travel journalist and environmental scientist. He's been exploring South Africa since his early teens by hitch-hiking, hiking, flying and by bicycle. He also surfs and has a close relationship with his mountain bike. David has a BJourn (hons) from Rhodes University in Grahamstown, SA, and an MA in environmental sciences from Cape Town University, SA. David was born and bred in South Africa and has covered Africa, mostly south of the equator, for the past 20 as a travel and nature writer and a photographer. For 15 years he was editor of Africa's top-selling travel magazine Getaway. His main interest, besides environmental issues, is seeking out new and exciting places for adventures although comfort is never eschewed. David has authored more than a dozen books on on South and southern Africa, climbed Africa's 10 highest peaks (among others) and scuba dived on most of the best sites around Africa and the Indian Ocean islands.