61 books • 1 series
Representative Women of New England
The Walk with God - Primary Source Edition
Francis William Bird; A Biographical Sketch
Julia Ward Howe and the Woman Suffrage Movement Volume 3; A Selection from Her Speeches and Essays
Sex and Education; A Reply to Dr. E. H. Clarke's Sex in Education.
From the Oak to the Olive-A Plain record of a Pleasant Journey
Sex and Education; A Reply to Dr. E. H. Clarke's "Sex in Education." Ed., with an Introduction, by Mrs. Julia Ward Howe
Julia Ward Howe and the Woman Suffrage Movement; A Selection from Her Speeches and Essays
Is Polite Society?; And Other Essays
Masterpieces of American Eloquence (Volume 211); Christian Herald Selection
Margaret Fuller (Barnes & Noble Digital Library)
Reminiscences 1819-1899 (Illustrated Edition)
The World's Own (1857) the World's Own (1857)
A Trip to Cuba (1860)
From Sunset Ridge: Poems Old and New (Classic Reprint)
Later Lyrics
Reminiscences 1819-1899
The Julia Ward Howe Birthday Book, Selections from Her Works
Is Polite Society Polite- and Other Essays
The Walk with God
Sex and Education
Memoir of Dr. Samuel Gridley Howe
Modern Society
From the Oak to the Olive