61 books
History of the Reigns of Louis XVIII and Charles X Volume 1; V. 25
History of the Reigns of Louis XVIII and Charles X Volume 2; V. 25
The History of France
Today in Ireland; The Carders. Connemara Volume 2
Yesterday in Ireland
Today in Ireland Volume 3; Old and New Light. the Toole's Warning
Yesterday in Ireland Volume 2; Corramahon (Continued) the Northerns of Ninety-Eight
The History of France, Volume 4
Yesterday in Ireland (Volume 1); Corramahon
Today in Ireland (Volume 3)
Eminent Foreign Statesmen (Volume 1)
Eminent Foreign Statesmen Volume 5
The History of France, Volume 2
The History of France (Volume 5)
Eminent Foreign Statesmen (Volume 4); Louis de Haro. Cardinal DuBois. Cardinal Alberoni. John William, Duke of Ripperda
To-Day in Ireland [By E.E. Crowe].
History of the Reigns of Louis XVIII. and Charles X. (Volume 2); In Two Volumes
Today in Ireland Volume 2; The Carders. Connemara
Charles Delmer [By E.E. Crowe].
History of the Reigns of Louis XVIII. and Charles X. (Volume 1)
Eminent Foreign Statesmen (Volume 3); Jean Francois Paul de Gondi, Cardinal de Retz. Jean Baptiste Colbert, Marquis de Seignelai. John de Witt, Grand Pensionary of Holland. Francois Michel Le Tellier, Marquis de Louvois
History of the Reigns of Louis XVIII. and Charles X.
The Greek and the Turk; Or, Powers and Prospects in the Levant.
The History of France Volume 1