42 books
Africa (Volume 1)
Eastern Geography; A Geography of the Malay Peninsula, Indo-China, the Eastern Archipelago, the Philippines, and New Guinea
... Africa...
Stanford's Compendium of Geography and Travel Based on Hellwald's Die Erde Und Ihre Vo Lker. Translated by Keane. (Africa. Edited by Johnston. Centr
The Student's History of the English Parliament ... New English Edition, Rewritten, with a Complete Index, by ... A. H. Keane.
Travels in Africa During the Years 1875-1878 (1879-1883-1882-1886) ... Translated from the German by A. H. Keane ... Illustrated.
On the Botocudos. (Reprinted from the Journal of the Anthropological Institute.).
Central and South America Volume 2
Codex Fejervary-Mayer
A Physical, Historical, Political & Descriptive Geography
Man, Past and Present
Travels in Africa During the Years 1875[-1886], Volume 2
Africa Volume 2
The Gold of Ophir, Whence Brought and by Whom?
Handbook of the History of the English Language