163 books
Cars, Their Construction and Handling
The Science of Railways Volume 4; With Illustrations of the Inception, Growth and Evolution of Primitive Transportation
Division of Railway Expenses and Earnings
Railway Revenue, and Its Collection; Containing Rules and Regulations Necessary to Ensure Faithful Accounting, and Explaining, Generally, the Object and Extent of Railway Accounts and the Necessity of Their Being Organized Upon Scientific Principles
The Science of Railways Volume 19
The Science of Railways Volume 1, PT. 2; Shops and Shop Practice. 2 V. 1912
Hand Book of Freight Accounts; Handling Freight, the Theory and Practice of Accounts, the Rules and Regulations Governing Agents, the Returns to Be Made by Them
Hand Book of Railway Expenditures, Explaining in the Form of Specific Rules How the Labor, Material, Fuel, and Other Items of Expenditure Should Be Kept
Supervision of Locomotives; How Effective Service and Economy of Operation May Be Furthered. Supplement to the Science of Railways
The Science of Railways Volume 1, PT. 1
How to Collect Railway Revenue Without Loss
Freight Traffic; Explaining the Physical Features of the Service, Basis of Rates, Supervisory Work, and Technical Methods of Control and Accounting
Maintenance of Railways; Evolutions of Labor-Employer Versus Employe Their Relations-Present Method of Operating Railways Based on the Reciprocal Inte
The Handling of Railway Supplies; Their Purchase and Disposition
The Relation of the Railroads of the United States the People and the Commercial and Financial Interests of the Country; The Elements That Determine the Rates That Shall Be Charged
Railway Service; Trains and Stations Describing the Manner of Operating Trains, and the Duties of Train and Station Officials
Revised and Enlarged Ed. of the Science of Railways (Volume 4); Train Service
The Science of Railways (Volume 9)
Revised and Enlarged Ed. of the Science of Railways (Volume 8); Economic Theory of Rates. Private Versus Government Control of Railroads
Revised and Enlarged Ed. of the Science of Railways; General Fiscal and Other Affairs
General Accounts and Cash; And How Handled at Headquarters Forming One of the Series of Volumes Comprised in the Revised and Enlarged Edition of the S
Revised and Enlarged Ed. of the Science of Railways (Volume 2); Railway Organization
Basis of Railway Rates and Private vs. Governamental Management of Railroads; Forming One of the Series of Volumes Comprised in the REV. and Enl. Ed. of the Science of Railways
Science of Railways (Volume 8); Economy of Rates Private vs. Government Control