148 books • 12 series
Trade and employment
Safety and Health in the Use of Machinery
Labour administration reforms in China
Shared harvests
Equal pay
Security in ports
Resilience in a downturn
Perspectives on labour economics for development
Note Upon the Measures Taken to Give Effect to the Draft Conventions and Recommendations Adopted by the International Labour Conference
A. Age of Employment as Trimmers and Stokers. B. Compulsory Medical Examination of All Children Employed on Board Ship. Item V (A) and (B) of the Agen
Statistics of Unemployment in Various Countries, 1910 to 1922. May 1922
Safety recommendations for decked fishing vessels of less than 12 metres in length and undecked fishing vessels
Globalizing social rights (International Labour Organization (ILO) Century)
Public sector shock
Bulletin of the International Labour Office Volume 9
Working towards sustainable development
Confronting finance
International standard classification of occupations 2008 (ISCO-08)
Bulletin of the International Labour Office Volume 5
World of work report 2012
Bulletin of the International Labour Office Volume 10
Bulletin of the International Labour Office Volume 12
Bulletin of the International Labour Office Volume 8
Bulletin Des Internationalen Arbeitsamts (Volume 6)