173 books
The Argument in Verse of the Foxiad; An Historical Poem, in Ten Books
Observations on a Passage in the Preface to Mr. Fox's Historical Work [On the Reign of James the Second], Relative to the Character of Dr. Somerville as an Historian.
The Beauties of Administration, a Poem. with an Heroic Race to the Palace, Between L-D Sh-LB-Ne [I.E. Lord Shelburne] and the Hon. C. J. F-X [I.E. C. J. Fox].
A Translation of the French Letters in the Appendix to Mr. Fox's History of the Early Part of the Reign of James the Second.
Charles's Small-Clothes
Epistle from the Hon. C. Fox, Partridge-Shooting, to the Hon. J. Townshend, Cruising. [by R. Tickell.] the Third Edition, Corrected.
The Speech of the Right Hon Charles James Fox, on the Speech Delivered to the House of Commons, at the Opening of Parliament, Dec 13, 1792, Commonly Called the King's Speech the Third Ed
The Speech of the Honble Charles James Fox; Delivered at Westminster, on Wednesday, February, 2, 1780; On the Reduction of Sinecure Places, and Unmerited Pensions. with a List of the Gentlemen Chose on the Committee.
Fox and Pitt's Speeches in the House of Commons, on Tuesday, June 8, 1784. These Speeches Upon Are Preceded by a Brief Impartial Detail of the Progress and Proceedings in This Affair
Napoleon Bonaparte and the Siege of Toulon
The Substance of the Speech of the Right Honourable Charles James Fox, on Mr. Grey's Motion in the House of Commons, Friday, May 26, 1797, ... as Reported in the Morning Chronicle. Fourth Edition.
Napoleon Bonaparte and the Siege of Toulon (1902)
The Speeches of Charles James Fox in the House of Commons V2 (1815)
Substance of the Speech of Charles James Fox (1783) Substance of the Speech of Charles James Fox (1783)
Memorials and Correspondence of Charles James Fox (Volume 2)
Fox against Fox!!! or political blossoms of the Right Hon Charles James Fox
The speech of the Right Honourable Charles James Fox, in the House of Commons, on the Irish Resolutions, on Thursday, May 12, 1785. To which is added an authentic copy of the Resolutions, as originally proposed and now altered
The proposals for a general peace submitted to the French Republic through the negotiation of Lord Malmesbury, examined and exposed, in a speech delivered on his Lordship's official correspondence
Substance of the Speech of the Right Honourable Charles James Fox, on Monday, November 1, 1783, Upon a Motion for the Commitment of the Bill ""For Vesting the Affairs of the East-India Company in the Hands of Certain Commissioners
The Speech of the Honourable Charles James Fox. in the House of Commons, on Monday, the 3D of February, 1800, on a Motion for an Address to the Throne, the Third Edition
The Speech of the Right Hon. Charles James Fox, in the House of Commons, on Tuesday, March 24, 1795, on a Motion That the House Do Resolve Itself Into a Committee of the Whole House to Consider of the State of the Nation
Westminster election Speeches (out of Parliament) addressed to the electors of the city of Westminster by the respective candidates for their suffrages to represent them in the ensuing Parliament
Two speeches of the Right Honourable C J Fox
Jordan's Complete Collection of All the Addresses and Speeches of the Hon. C. J. Fox, Sir A. Gardner, and J. H. Tooke, Esq. at the Late Interesting Contest for Westminster. Third Edition