113 books • 2 series
English Surnames; And Their Place in the Teutonic Family
No Protestant plot or, The present pretended conspiracy of Protestants against the King and government discovered to be a conspiracy of the Papists against the King and his Protestant subjects
The Northmen in Cumberland & Westmoreland
The Third Part of No Protestant Plot with Observations on the Proceedings Upon the Bill of Indictment Against the E. of Shaftsbury
The Interest of Reason in Religion with the Import Use of Scripture-Metaphors, and the Nature of the Union Betwixt Christ; Believers
A Brief Justification of the Prince of Orange's Descent Into England, and of the Kingdoms Late Recourse to Arms with a Modest Disquisition of What May Become the Wisdom and Justice of the Ensuing Convention in Their Disposal of the Crown. (1689)
A Third Dialogue Between the Pope and a Phanatick, Concerning Affairs in England by the Author of the First and Second, Who Is a Hearty Lover of His Prince and Country. (1684)
A Letter to a Friend Containing Certain Observations Upon Some Passages Which Have Been Published in a Late Libell Intituled, the Third Part of No Protestant-Plot and Which Do Relate to the Kingdom of Ireland (1682)
A Letter to a Person of Honour, Concerning the Kings Disavovving the Having Been Married to the D. of M's Mother (1680)
Diet-Free for Life
A View of an Ecclesiastick in His Socks & Buskins, Or, a Just Reprimand Given to Mr. Alsop, for His Foppish, Pedantick, Detractive and Petulant Way of Writing (1698)
The East-India-Trade a Most Profitable Trade to the Kingdom. and Best Secured and Improved in a Company, and a Joint-Stock. Represented in a Letter Written Upon the Occasion of Two Letters Lately Published, Insinuating the Contrary. (1677)
The Late Proceedings and Votes of the Parliamemt [sic] of Scotland Contained in an Address Delivered to the King, Signed by the Plurality of the Members Thereof, Stated and Vindicated. (1689)
American Impressionist Robert Ferguson
A Letter to the Right Honourable Sir John Holt, Kt. Lord Chief Justice of the Kings Bench; Occasioned by the Noise of a Plot (1694)
Henrik Ibsen
The Penalties of Greatness
Of the Qualifications Requisite in a Minister of State
An Account of the Obligations the States of Holland Have to Great-Britain, and the Return They Have Made Both in Europe and the Indies. with Reflections Upon the Peace.
The History of All the Mobs, Tumults, and Insurrections in Great Britain, from William the Conqueror to the Present Time. to Which Is Added, the Act of Parliament and Proclamation Lately Publish'd for Punishing Rioters
The Extraordinary Case of the Bp. of St. David's, Further Clear'd and Made Plain, from the Several Views That Have Been Made of It
The History of the Revolution. by Robert Ferguson
The History of the Revolution.
The Teutonic Name-System Applied to the Family Names of France, England, & Germany