53 books • 21 series
A Middle East Mosaic
The Middle East: 2000 Years of History from the Birth of Christianity
Middle East Mosaic (Modern Library Classics (eBook))
The Jewish Discovery of Islam
Facility Manager's Operation and Maintenance Handbook
The Multiple Identities of the Middle East (Master Minds S.)
Plato (Great Philosophers)
El Oriente Proximo (Serie Mayor (Critica))
The Middle East: 2000 Years Of History From The Birth Of Christia (Phoenix Giants S.)
Middle East (Predictions S., #12)
Cultures in Conflict
The Shaping of the Modern Middle East
Retour de L Islam (Folio Histoire, A32796)
Islam and the West
Race and Slavery in the Middle East
The Political Language of Islam (Exxon Lecture EL (CHUP)) (Exon Lecture)
Semites and Anti-Semites
The Assassins
The Jews of Islam (Princeton Classics) (Ebrary Academic Complete)
The Muslim Discovery of Europe
Population and Revenue in the Towns of Palestine in the Sixteenth Century (Princeton Legacy Library)
Studies in Classical and Ottoman Islam, 7th-16th Centuries
Islam in History
Istanbul and the Civilization of the Ottoman Empire (Centers of Civilization S.)