50 books • 17 series
Vaclav Smil is Distinguished Professor Emeritus in the Faculty of Environment at the University of Manitoba.
How to Feed the World
Invention and Innovation
How the World Really Works
Grand Transitions
Numbers Don't Lie
Growth (The MIT Press)
Energy and Civilization (Energy and Civilization) (The MIT Press)
Energy Transitions
Making the Modern World: Materials and Dematerialization
Natural Gas: Fuel for the 21st Century 1st Edition
Still the Iron Age
Natural Gas
Power Density (The MIT Press) (Power Density)
Making the Modern World
Made in the USA (Made in the USA) (The MIT Press)
Should We Eat Meat?: Evolution and Consequences of Modern Carnivory
Should We Eat Meat?
Harvesting the Biosphere (Harvesting the Biosphere) (The MIT Press)
Japan's Dietary Transition and Its Impacts (Food, Health, and the Environment) (Japan's Dietary Transition and Its Impacts)
Energy Myths and Realities
Prime Movers of Globalization (The MIT Press) (Prime Movers of Globalization)
Why America Is Not a New Rome (The MIT Press) (Why America Is Not a New Rome)