112 books • 36 series
The Hulk Mad Libs (Mad Libs)
Disney Villains Mad Libs (Mad Libs)
Sonic the Hedgehog 3: Gadgets, Gizmos, and Gears (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Looney Tunes Mad Libs (Mad Libs)
DC Super-Villains Mad Libs (Mad Libs)
Engine of Change (Rube Goldberg and His Amazing Machines)
What Is the Story of Transformers? (What Is the Story Of?)
The New Switcheroo (Rube Goldberg and His Amazing Machines)
Richard Simmons Mad Libs (Mad Libs)
Batman Mad Libs (Mad Libs)
Beezer and the Creeping Red (Beezer, #2)
Rube Goldberg and His Amazing Machines
Pride Parade Mad Libs (Mad Libs)
What Is the Story of Princess Leia? (What Is the Story Of?)
Bane Drain (Amazing Adventures of Batman!)
The Terrible Twos (Amazing Adventures of Batman!)
The Amazing Adventures of Batman! Pack A of 4 (Amazing Adventures of Batman!)
5-Minute Marvel Stories (5-Minute Stories)
Bob's Burgers Mad Libs Joke Book (Mad Libs)
Marvel's Avengers: Infinity War: The Cosmic Quest Vol. 2
The Amazing Adventures of Batman! (Amazing Adventures of Batman!)
Rain of Fear! (Amazing Adventures of Batman!)