708 books • 19 series
Die Blut-Fahne ausgestecket zur Warnung politischer Wegweiser in America, oder Eine getreue Erzählung einer grossen Anzahl Handlungen der abscheulichsten Grausamkeiten, solche als nie ein Auge gesehen
A Little Plain English, Addressed to the People of the United States, on the Treaty, Negociated with His Britannic Majesty, and on the Conduct of the President Relative Thereto
The Bloody Buoy, Thrown Out as a Warning to the Political Pilots of All Nations. Or, a Faithful Relation of a Multitude of Acts of Horrid Barbarity, ... Never Witnessed, ... Until the Commencement of the French Revolution. Fourth Edition.
A kick for a bite
Part II. A bone to gnaw for the Democrats; 1st, observations on a patriotic pamphlet, entitled, Proceedings of the United Irishmen. 2dly, Democratic memoirs; or an account of some recent feats performed by US citizens
A History of the Protestant Reformation in England and Ireland; Showing How That Event Has Impoverished and Degraded the Main Body of the People in Those Countries. in a Series of Letters Addressed to All Sensible and Just Englishmen Volume 2
Three Letters to the Independent Electors of Bristol
The Life and Adventures of Peter Porcupine; With a Full and Fair Account of All His Authoring Transactions
Observations on the emigration of Dr. Joseph Priestley, and on the several addresses delivered to him, on his arrival at New-York, with additions; containing many curious and interesting facts on the subject The third edition
Observations on the emigration of Dr. Joseph Priestley, and on the several addresses delivered to him, on his arrival at New-York, with additions; containing many curious and interesting facts on the subject
Part II. A bone to gnaw, for the Democrats; containing, 1st. Observations on a patriotic pamphlet. Entitled, Proceedings of the United Irishmen. 2dly.
The American Gardener, Or, A Treatise On The Situation, Soil, Fencing And Laying-Out Of Gardens, On The Making And Managing Of Hot-Beds And Green-Houses, And On The Propagation And Cultivation Of The Sereral Sorts Of Vegetables, Herbs, Fruits And Flowers
The Pride of Britannia Humbled; Or, the Queen of the Ocean Unqueen'd, "By the American Cock Boats"
Democratic Principles Illustrated. Part the Second. Containing an Instructive Essay, Tracing All the Horrors of the French Revolution to Their Real Causes; The Licentious Politics, and Philosophy of the Present Age Fourth Edition.
Democratic Principles Illustrated. Part the Second. Containing an Instructive Essay, Tracing All the Horrors of the French Revolution to Their Real Causes, and Infidel Philosophy of the Present Age Seventh Edition.
The life and adventures of Peter Porcupine, with a full and fair account of all his authoring transactions; being a sure and infallible guide for all enterprising young men who wish to make a fortune by writing pamphlets.
The Bloody Buoy, Thrown Out as a Warning to the Political Pilots of America; Or a Faithful Relation of a Multitude of Acts of Horrid Barbarity, Also, an Instructive Essay, Tracing These Dreadful Effects to Their Real Causes
The Bloody Buoy, Thrown Out as a Warning to the Political Pilots of All Nations. or a Faithful Relation of a Multitude of Acts of Horrid Barbarity Third Edition
Mr. Cobbett's Remarks on Our Indian Empire and Company of Trading Soverigns
A Bone to Gnaw, for the Democrats; Or, Observations on a Pamphlet, Entitled, "The Political Progress of Britain."
A Bone to Gnaw, for the Democrats; Or, Observations on a Pamphlet, Entitled, "The Political Progress of Britain." the Second Edition, Revised. [Two Lines in French from La Pompadour].
Democratic Principles Illustrated by Example. by Peter Porcupine. Part the First.
Democratic Principles Illustrated. Part II. Containing an Instructive Essay Tracing All the Horrors of the French Revolution to Their Real Causes, the Licentious Politics, ... of the Present Age. by Peter Porcupine.
Democratic Principles Illustrated by Example. by Peter Porcupine. Part the First. Seventh Edition.