21 books • 7 series
Restoration Comedy 1660 1720 - Scholar's Choice Edition
Milton to Ouida: A Collection of Essays
Lamp and the Lute: Studies in Seven Authors
Today and Tomorrow Volume 24 Music and Drama
John Wesley
The Floating Republic (Pen & Sword Military Classics) (BBC History Magazine Classics, #3)
Three Eighteenth Century Figures
Byron's Dramas (NTC Russian, #1962)
Victorians and After, 1830-1914 (Introductions to English Literature, v. 4)
William Congreve (Writers & Their Work S.)
John Dryden (Writers & Their Work S.)
Rudyard Kipling (Writers & Their Work S.)
Modern Prose Style
Lamp and the Lute
English Literature in the Early 18th Century, 1700-40 (Oxford History of English Literature)
London Book of English Verse
Alexander Pope (Oxford Paperbacks)
Restoration Tragedy 1660-1720
Restoration Comedy 1660 1720