David Lewis (Chicago, IL; www.pinper.com) is cofounder and CEO of Pinnacle Performance Company, a global performance-based training firm that has revolutionized presentation and communication skills training. He is also coinventor of The Pinnacle Method, an innovative learning system that teaches professionals how to clearly and concisely influence their audience through the delivery of their message. He has spent the past 15 years in executive level sales and marketing positions at both Fortune 500 companies and hi-tech start-ups, where he was generally tasked with building and developing the initial sales forces. David Lewis cofounded LastLine Endeavors, a film development and production company that produced the award-winning feature film, Brothers Three: An American Gothic.
Nov 23, 2011
Cover of Bangladesh


Oct 14, 2011
Cover of How to be Happy

How to be Happy

Oct 1, 2010
Cover of The Beatles

The Beatles