102 books • 2 series
Speeches by Sir Robert Peel During His Administration, 1834-1835, Also His Address to the Electors of the Borough of Tamworth, &C
Sir Robert Peel, and His Era; Being a Synoptical View of Chief Events and Measures of His Life and Time
The Speeches of the Late Right Honourable Sir Robert Peel, Bart Volume 4; Delivered in the House of Commons
The Speeches of the Late Right Honourable Sir Robert Peel, Bart Volume 3; Delivered in the House of Commons
The Speeches of the Late Right Honourable Sir Robert Peel, Bart (Volume 2); Delivered in the House of Commons
Sir Robert Peel (Volume 3); From His Private Papers
The Opinions of Sir Robert Peel, Expressed in Parliament and in Public [Ed.] by W.T. Haly
Memoirs by the Right Honourable Sir Robert Peel (Volume 2); PT. 2. the New Government. 1834-5. PT. 3. Repeal of the Corn Laws. 1845-6
A Corner in Gold and Our Money Laws
The Speeches of the Late Right Honourable Sir Robert Peel, Delivered in the House of Commons; With a General Explanatory Index, and a Brief Chronologi
Memoirs (Volume 2-3)
Memoirs by the Right Honourable Sir Robert Peel Volume 1
Memoirs (Volume 2 )
Tamworth Election
A Letter Addressed to the Right Hon. Robert Peel, &C., &C.
A Bit of a Fool. [A Novel.]
The Tamworth Reading Room. Letters on an Address Delivered by Sir Robert Peel, Bart., M.P. on the Establishment of a Reading Room at Tamworth. by Catholicus [I.E. J. H. Newman], Etc.
The Speech of Sir R. Peel in Vindication of the Privilege of the House of Commons to Publish Its Proceedings [june 8, 1837].
Gilbertise the New Poor Law. "A Fresh Plan" in a Letter to Sir R. Peel
Speech in the House of Commons, July 21, 1835; In Support of His Amendment on the Irish Church Bill
The Opinions of Sir Robert Peel
Substance of the Speech of the Right Hon. Robert Peel, in the House of Commons, on Friday, 9th May; On the Right Hon. Henry Grattan's Motion
Sir Robert Peel's Address on the Establishment of a Library and Reading-Room at Tamworth, 19th Jan., 1841