23 books • 4 series
Because My Destiny Awaits
Art from the Swamp
The Composer's Handbook Vol. 2
A Student's Guide to GCSE Music for the AQA Specification
Fearless and Free
A Student's Guide to Music Technology for AS and A2
Michelangelo, Bramante, and Raphael
The Informed Eye
The Basilica of St. Francis, Assisi
Titian And Venetian Painting, 1450-1590
Studies in the History of Italian Art 1250-1550
Giotto (Braziller Series of Poetry)
Piero Della Francesca
Art of the Western World
Sound Matters
Pumpkinville Mystery-Book
Italian Art 1250-1550 (Icon Editions)
Sienese Painting in the Age of the Renaissance
Renaissance Artist at Work (Icon Editions)
Sienese Painting (Icon S.)
Masaccio and the Art of Early Renaissance Florence
Agnolo Gaddi (Studies in History of Art & Architecture)
Giotto and Florentine Painting, 1280-1375 (Icon S.)