An esteemed professional and respected author, Dan Oja, along with June Parsons, purchased an Apple II+ in 1981 and quickly became fluent in BASIC, dBASE II, Lotus 123, WordStar, and a variety of accounting programs. The next year, he and Dr. Parsons opened a successful small computer retail store that offered software instruction to children and adults. With Dr. Parsons, Mr. Oja began writing and creating educational software for Course Technology in 1992. Together, they contributed to the leading success of the Windows for Business and Illustrated Series. They also developed the New Perspectives, e-Course, and Practical series. Today, Mr. Oja's and Dr. Parson's team of highly skilled media specialists and desktop publishers located in various states and provinces work together via the Internet to deliver exceptional texts.
Sep 19, 2008
Cover of Ordinary Heroes

Ordinary Heroes