133 books • 24 series
Leonas Africanas (Reinas del Universo Animal)
Orcas Hembras (Reinas del Universo Animal)
Hienas Manchadas Hembras (Reinas del Universo Animal)
Princesas de Lémur de Cola Anillada (Reinas del Universo Animal)
Princesas de Laemur de Cola Anillada
Is a Fish or a Bird the Pet for Me? (This or That Pets)
Is a Dog or a Cat the Pet for Me? (This or That Pets)
Un Vampiro En La Fogata (¡Bú!)
Un Ataque Muy Tierno (¡Bú!)
Balon-Susto (¡Bú!)
La Mochila Hechizada (¡Bú!)
Wildfire, Inside the Inferno
Axolotls (Animals)
Joe Biden (Biographies)
Ring-Tailed Lemur Princesses - Rulers of the Troop (Queens of the Animal Universe)
Female Spotted Hyenas - Commanders of the Clan (Queens of the Animal Universe)
Falcons (Animals)
African Lionesses (Queens of the Animal Universe)
Greta Thunberg (Biographies)
Orca Cows - Leaders of the Pod (Queens of the Animal Universe)
Murder Hornets (Animals)
King Cobras (Animals)
Wildfires (Wild Earth Science)
Tornadoes (Wild Earth Science)