David Wann is an author, filmmaker, and speaker on the topic of sustainable lifestyles - the creation of a joyfully moderate way of life that requires half the resources to deliver twice the satisfaction. His nine non-fiction books and five award-winning TV documentaries advocate for community-based, resource-conscious, equitable changes in American politics and values. In this first novel, Tickling the Bear: How to Stay Safe in the Universe, he also draws upon his experience as an organic gardener, founder of a co-housing community, proud husband and father, and amateur musician to create credible characters that navigate a world threatened by environmental and social collapse. David has produced 20 videos and TV programs, including the award-winning TV documentary Designing a Great Neighborhood, and Building Livable Communities, for Vice President Al Gore. David is the father of two adult children, president of the Sustainable Futures Society, and a Fellow of the national Simplicity Forum. He co-designed the cohousing neighborhood where he lives, has taught at the college level, and worked more than a decade as a policy analyst for U.S. EPA. Visit www.DaveWann.net